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Front-end Projects:

Basic webpage:


This is my basic webpage project which is split into two parts. The 1st part is a web page that I created without any CSS frameworks and the 2nd part is still the same webpage but built with SimpleGrid framework. This includes a linking page.

DOM intro:


This is my first project to work on which includes DOM (Document Object Model). I used DOM to gather and display information dynamically, which allowed me to create a rich user experience using JavaScript. This project is made out of 4 telephone bill widgets that are working.

Matching days:


This is my project called matching days, which uses HandlebarsJS templating engine to inject data into the page. I created a screen with a bar that contains each day of the week. Allows users to enter two separate dates. Highlighting the days of the week for the two dates with each date in a different color. If the two dates fall on the same day then highlight them green.

Shoe catalogue:


An e-commerce store that was built for users to view and filter shoe catalogues by size, color, and brand. The webpage enables users an option to add items they are interested in buying into the user's cart and it will update items stored in the cart. Users will also be able to remove items in the cart and increase or decrease the quantity of a single item based on stock availability. MVC design pattern was used to develop this web application.

Xpense monitor:


The Xpense monitor app project was built by me and 2 other contributors during the mid-year hackathon held at Project CodeX 2021. The app was built to calculate the balance by deducting the total expenses which are normal and covid-19 related expenses from the user's total income. It will also calculate the percentage that covid-19 related expenses contribute towards total expenses and also the user can view the account summary in the form of a line graph.

For all the projects I have done, thus far visit my Github account